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Keywords: Keywords means reserve words whose meaning compiler already knows. when we use keyword then compiler take appropriate action.
There are total 33 keywords present in python.
1.True 2. False 3. None 4.and 5.or
6.not 7.is 8.if 9.else 10.elif
11.while 12.for 13.break 14.continue 15.return
16. in 17.yield 18.try 19.except 20.final
21.raise 22.assert 23.import 24.from 25.as
26.class 27.def 28.pass 29.global 30. nonlocal
31.lambda 32.def 33 with
Note : pass and continue both are different , here pass means nothing(i am not doing anything)
except, True,False and None all other keyword in small case.
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