Collection In Python Part -1

For professionals and freshers

Bytes :

x=[10,20,30,40] =>  group of values but this is not a byte. to convert it into byte use byte() function

Example : x=[10,20,30,40]
                output:  list
                output : bytes
          for i in b: print(x)

Note: If you want to represent group of object  in range 0 to 256 ,immutable then we should go for byte.

byte and byteArray both are same  only difference is that  byte array is mutable whereas bytes is immutable.

When we use :
If u want to handle binary data images  ,videos files then most commonly used collection is byte or byte array in any programming language.


yes it is valid we can change value of byte array because it is mutable.

Note : Byte range should be  in 0 to 256.


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