Identifire Rules In Python

     For Beginners and Professionals

Identifier means "name" we give to variables ,methods or class. there are some rules to give name to identifiers in python.

identifier example  : x=10 , def test() , class Demo

In this example x  is variable name, test is method name, Demo is class name , called as Identifier.

Rule :

We can use both Uppercase and Lowercase Alphabets.
We can use digit 0 to 9
We can use _(Underscore)

Other than this if we use anything while giving name to identifier we will get error message

Example : cash=10         ==== correct
                 ca$h=10         ==== incorrect
                 total123=10    ====correct
                123total=10    ==== incorrect

Note : Identifier should not start with  numbers.

              total=10         ==== correct
             TOTAL=10     ==== correct
             Total=10         ==== correct
             TOtaL=10       ==== Correct

Note - There is no max limit for python identifier.  If identifier starts with starts with ( _ ) underscore
then it considered as Private. and Two underscore ( _ _ ) strongly private .

_ _main_ _ starts and ends with two underscore symbol then it considered as  language specific 


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