Python Introduction and History
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Python for Beginners and professionals |
Python is a very easy nursery level language. Its just like reading normal English statement.Python is the most easiest language in the world.
Application Areas :
Python is a general purpose high level language. we can use this language for multiple purpose. Python is a high level language - it means , it is human understandable language.
1. Data Analysis
2.Machine Learning
3.Desktop Application
4.Web Application
5.Artificial Intelligence
7.Gaming Application
Who Gifted Python to world : " Gido Van Rossam "
Gido is the father of Python , while working with National Research Institute (Nedarland) he introduce python.
Language officially available to the public 1991.
Date Of Birth of Python : 1991 Feb 20th
How Name to this language as Python :
Like Kapil Sharma Show , Popular TV show in BBC (British Broadcasting Company)
"Monty Python Circus" 1964 to 1974 . Very popular fun show .so Gido Gives such a fun type of name to programming language.
Which Companies Uses Python :
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