Eigen Value and Eigen Vecctor

Let A is the square matrix of order n*n ,then a number  lambda is set to be Eigen value of matrix A
if there exists a column matrix  X of order   n*1 such that

It menas that , if column matrix A , A*X= lambda*X then  lmbda is called eigen value of  A.
X-eigen vector of A.

A-(Lambda*I )X=0

Eigen Value - chrecteristics value
Eigen Vector- Characteristic Vecor

Working rule to find Eigen Value and Eigen Vector :

First u need to create characteristic equations of matrix A, it is determinate of  | A-lambda *I| = 0

I - is the square matrix .

Solutions of characteristics equations  is called Eigen values , on the basis of egen values  corespoing we can find egen vector .


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