Data Type In Python Part-3

For freshers and Professionals

Complex Data type: 


a= real part
b=Imaginary Part


type(x) ==  > <class,Complex>

2. x=10.5+2.3i          == ==> this is invalid syntax  Imaginary part should be j

3. x=0b1111 + 20j     ==== >valid

4. x=15+0b1111       ======> Invalid , Imaginary part comparably should be decimal, here we   

3. bool datatype : 

It allows  two values True or False 

x=True+True ================>    2
x=True+False=================>  1
x=False-False=================>  0
x=False-True==================> -1

Note - True and False , First char should be in capital letter.

4. str datatype : 

To store String we can use str datatype in Python . In Python both single quotes and double
 quotes treated as String

Example :              x='Raju'  and  x= "Raju" both are valid

Example :             x=raju  ====>      invalid , string should be in single or double quotes.

Example  : Multi line String                  


 Above syntax is invalid because single quotes or double quotes only for single line string

Note : If you want to store multiline string then use triple quotes """

Example :  """ hello


Example : Double quotes inside Triple Quotes:

 """   java is a "platform" independent language """

output = java is a "platform" independent language.

To be continued str in Python data type part-4


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