Kotlin - Its Not Just Hello World

fun main(args : Arrays<String>){
println("Its not just a Hello world..!!!"); 

     // Yes ... No need to write boiler plate code now..!!!
 without class we can write code in kotlin , yes internally
 compiler creates class for us.
 compiler generated class name - filename with Kt append - filenamKt
 kotlinc filename.kt - complie
 kotlin finlenameKt  - Run

output - 
Its not just a Hello world..!!!
2. If You want to create main method which is static in nature inside 
class then try following snippets 
class Demo {
    companion object {
        @JvmStatic fun main(args: Array<String>) {
            println("Hello Kotlin");
Note - class in kotlin is default public and final 

3.If you want to create main method or any static method -
 there are two ways 
1. create companion onject block as above or
2. make object class -

object Demo {
 @JvmStatic fun main(args: Array<String>) {
            println("Hello Kotlin")



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