How To Integrate Your Facebook Login With Your Android Application
1 . Start a new Android studio project and Specify your application name.(ex - LoginTest) Select empty activity click next and click finish. Ok now project is created. 2 . Open your browser and type and login with your facebook account. select create new app option -> provide application name , your contact email and select category (ex - education) click on create App Id Button . - Now the app id is genrated for your application. - place generated app id in your android application(see later) - Now go to settings option - select Add platform - > select Android -> and provide details like your application package name , name of the class in which you are placed the login and key hashes. - Application package name - go to manifest file and copy package path and paste - class Name- MainActivity - for key hashes - > download open SSL first - > and go to java bin folder and open cmd and e...